Yesterday I received an email out of the blue from a man in Holland asking if my Mordheim warband was for sale. He'd found pics from 18 months ago on the Librarium-Online forum, but they were long gone. We had a good chat about his campaigns, ending with me missing the game, and impulse-bidding on a load of Necromunda lots on Ebay that I shouldn't have.
Here are some pics of that warband. Some are a bit slapdash, but I was only fundraising. As such, the gang were never played with before being sold, like last month's Possessed Warband.

The Vampire Leader was the standard Mordheim mini, who is too short to be imposing; if I was ever to have another I'd boost his base. The Necromancer and Hero Ghoul (having received a 'Lad's Got Talent' increase') are iffy conversions; an old Daemonette of Slaanesh with zombie arms instead of pincers, and a Necromancer composed of Brettonian Man-at-Arms body with some Mordheim bitz. Apologies for those Green Hill Zone bases. That box of Brettonians went towards several cheap Spellcaster conversions for Mordheim and Dungeons and Dragons.

All of the Dreg miniatures I have seen are humans with something amiss, usually an an Igor-hunch. For this Dreg I used a Dwarf body to get a weird posture.

Ghouls. I really liked the previous Ghoul miniatures, and I think they're much more disturbing than the new plastics. I included an Ogre Mercenary with the Warband, as another fast mover to support the Dire Wolves and Vampire should they race off ahead:

From the GW site:
"Mercenaries beyond peer, Maneaters have spent decades accruing scars, tall tales, wealth, and exotic weapons before travelling back to the tribe from which they came. As Ogres tend to inherit culture rather than pioneer it, Maneaters typically dress in the style appropriate to the lands in which they fought during their mercenary career"
I decided that it might be fun to have an Ogre that had imprinted onto the Ghouls. The Gut plate received a Skeleton Warriors shield boss, a severed leg from the zombie spru in his right hand made a tasty snack, and an axeblade was made from plasticard and attached to an unused Standard Bearer arm. I took a head with a long moustache and repositioned the jaw between the tips to make a distended maw. A cocktail stick extended the nose, and the upper teeth where taken from an Imperial shield boss (the previous, frilltastic plastic set):

The Necromancer operates an Equal-Opportunities policy when recruiting zombie henchmen. A motley group of zombies of different races.

Human zombie:

Dwarf Zombie:

Zombie pillaged from Advanced Heroquest:

Goblin Zombie:

Not the so easy to show as dead, so I just lopped an arm off and poked an eye out.
Skaven Zombie:

The whole gang was inspired by one component: the Skaven skull. This one was my favourite.
I'm sure I'll give non-human zombies a go again in the future. As well as the Mordheim range which includes a zombie Sister of Sigmar, and others, I could also splash out on some minis from the Dogs of War Regiment of Renown 'The Cursed Company', which includes a skeletal lizardman, skaven, orc, goblin, dwarf and high elf. I would also give a Beastman zombie a go, as there is a bovine skull in the (Tomb Kings) skeleton box set. For a more involved project someone might get inspiration from one of the troll skulls used as markers in the Battle for Skull Pass boxed set.
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