Showing posts with label conversion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conversion. Show all posts

Monday, 10 August 2015

Astartes of charity marine, and a chaos havoc

A couple of new painted miniatures. The first one is for the Astartes of Charity fundraiser for Cancer Research, which I had the pleasure of contributing toward along with 99 others.

This guy's been kicking around for a while and I finally got around to finishing him. 

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Astartes of Charity Ultramarine complete

Finished him off. Excuse the glare, it's a very bright day.

Someone else painted a pair of yellow stripes on their marine, so I copied it. The grenade is purple to match the colour of the charity.

Cork base. I wasn't brave enough to try glow from the lens, this time.

Devastator Squad marking. Shoulder pad repurposed from Chaos marine (the whole guy had to be scraped together from the bits box).


Sunday, 25 January 2015

Converted and painted mantic and reaper skeletons and zombies

I quickly painted up plenty of the low-level undead I had floating around my reaper box, and bits box. Like the zombies, I'm trying to get a bank of commonly fought, low level enemies. Sure, painting a great big demon is fun, but I've never even played in a game that got high enough level to need the miniature.

The undead are stationed at Disneyland

Zombie magic user and zombie dance troupe

Spell slinger with skellingtons

Bits: CSM nurgle banner, mantic elves

A lot of the skeletons are just mantic elves with head swaps for small skulls.

Flame is a fiddly bit from the end of a chainsword.

The grass tufts are by army painter.

Trying to vary the reaper bones duplicated with hot water and paint jobs.

Quick and dirty paintjobs for a slow and dirty monsters. It was kind of fun, but I might make them less sloppy at some point. But probably not soon.